Anatomy (20)
Cornea/Ext (5)
Lids/Lac/Orbit (1)
Fundamentals (4)
Glaucoma (6)
Lens & Cataract (3)
Medicine (1)
Neurology (6)
Optics (5)
Pediatrics (4)
Retina (70)
Refractive Surg (8)
Pathology (2)
Uveitis (21)


There are currently 21 uveitis flashcards. How would you like to view them:


Tips for studying Uveitis:
Uveitis can be a difficult topic to study, because the background inflammatory cascade can be quite dense with much basic science that is poorly applicable to daily practice. While interesting … even fascinating if you’ve the time to relearn this material, you may want to focus on more pragmatic information.

In preparing for a test, you should instead focus on topics such as the inflammatory glaucomas, inflammatory corneal/conjunctival melts (such as OCP and Steven Johnson) and the types of sensitivity reactions.


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